Wednesday 5 June 2013

Microeconomics application in the real world

Microeconomics is considered one of the primary subject of social science of economics. It discusses of mostly the conduct of consumers, individuals, firms and also industries. It is a study that examines how household, firms, and individuals make decisions to allocate the limited resources in markets where goods and services are being bought and sold. Microeconomics also focus on how these individual`s behavior and decisions affect the supply and demand for goods and services which determine how these prices are set in the market. Microeconomics has numerous concepts that apply to a real-world situation. It has always been a fact that the availability of resources is always limited to the world eventhough it varies in amounts. On the contrary, individuals and firms have unlimited needs and wants which is difficult for economists to come up with solutions to fully utilise the resources. Therefore, one must learn to prioritize their needs and wants in order to use the resources efficiently. There are numerous numbers of microeconomics concepts that can be applied in real world situations. In conjunction, there are some important concepts that are relevant to this discussion which is scarcity, demand and supply, elasicity and barriers to entry.

First of all, one of the most evident real life implications of microeconomics concepts in our daily routine is the scarcity. Scarcity is the primary key to economic problem as apparently individuals needs and wants are always infinity in this world with limited resources. In this society, there will always be insufficient resources to fulfill all human needs and wants. On the other hand, scarcity occurs when individuals want more of something than it is available which forces them to make a choice. For instance, fresh water and food supply are always scarce in Africa. Which means that, Africa has been facing the shortage of fresh water and food supply in their country. Scarcity in Africa has always been serious where there are often situations that there is not enough water to meet all demands. In fact, Africans are known to be a chronically water stressed country. According to the articles I found online, economics development has greatly affected the water supply in Africa. Experts say that the shortage of fresh water and food supply could be salvaged if more water treatments are given. Crops can also grow better with fresher water and food supply will generally increase too. Another way to relieve water stress is to increase the capacity of water storage. Some experts also say that reservation of fresh water will be more sustainable if large dam projects are being carried out.

Supply and demand is an economic model to determine price in a market. Supply and demand are perhaps the backbone of an economy in market. The law of supply and demand is not a law, instead it defines the interaction between the availability of a good and the wants for that good has on price. Generally if there is a high demand on a product but with a low supply, the price will be high. In contrast, the higher the supply for the product, the lower the demand will be, and the price will also be low too. Let`s say, Apple Iphone 5th generation, when it was launched there were people lining up outside the stores wanting to get the phone despite the low supply of it. Which is why the price of the product could be maintained at a high price. In short, the demand for the Apple Ipone 5 is high but with a low supply which makes people to queue outside wanting to get the phone as quick as possible. This allow Apple stores to be able to set the price of the phone high and being maintained. As time goes by, the demand for Iphone5 will drop as new phones have been launched. At this time, low demand for the product that eventually leads to low supply of it and so the price will also drop.

The picture explained the number of millions of iphone sales for the first three days launch from year 2008 to 2012

                 The graph above shows the supply and demand for iphone 5

Elasticity is the measurement of how amending an economic variable affects the rest. There are two variables that respond differently to changes which are elastic variable and inelastic variable. Elastic variable responds a lot to small changes whereby inelastic variable does not respond much to changes. In short, elasticity is the measure of sensitivity of a variable. It refers to the degree where consumers or producers change their demand and supply in response to the price or income changes. The most evident real life example would be gasoline. If there is a very large change in the price, only a small amount of change will appear in the quantity demanded. Thus, gasoline is relatively inelastic. As the price of the Petronas gasoline increases, the quantity demanded for it will not decrease very much. This is because there are not many good substitutes for gasoline that will make consumers to buy even if it is at high price. This explains why gasoline is described as inelastic variable. On the other hand, elastic goods and services have numerous numbers of substitutes. When an elastic good or service`s price decreases, the quantity demanded of that good will increase very quickly. For example, Perodua decrease the price of its car during every June of the year, the number of demand will increase drastically as the price decreases. This explains that the elasticity of Perodua cars is elastic.

The picture above shows us that Perodua is having a promotion for June 2013

The picture above tells us that certain petrol station offers a 15cents off for every litre pumped

Furthermore, barriers to entry exist because of government intervention and they occur naturally within the business world. The purpose of barriers to entry is mainly to improvise industry regulation, conducting special tax to benefit existing firms and also to apply legislative limitations on new firms. In another way, it benefits existing firms operating in the market as though to prevent the existing firm’s profits and revenues from being snatched away by new rivals. According to Michael Porter, markets are classified into four general cases, which are high barrier to entry and high exit barrier, high barrier to entry and low exit barrier, low barrier to entry and high exit barrier and low barrier to entry and low exit barrier. Markets with high barrier to entry have very few competitors and has high profit margins. This makes them to be a natural monopoly. Monopoly is an industry that consists of only one firm that sells good wthout substitutes. Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) is the best example of monopoly firm in Malaysia. It is the only one firm in Malaysia that supplies electricity to every house holds. In an oligopoly, there are only a few companies that sell the same goods and services. The group of companies controls the price of the goods or services. Oligopolistic companies produce goods and services which are almost identical. One of the examples of an oligopolistic firm in Malaysia is Digi telecommunication. There are only a few telecommunication firms in Malaysia which has made Digi an oligopoly company. In addition, monopolistic differs from perfect competition in ways that all companies produce the same but not perfectly substitutable products. All of these firms are profit maximizer. One of the example of monopolistic firm is Apple store that sells Iphone as they have many substitutable goods like Samsung or Nokia existing. Last but not least, perfect competition is a market structure whereby all firms are selling identical product and being characterized as a free entry and exit industry.

The graph above illustrates the financial data of Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) from year 2004 to 2010

                   Barriers to entry

Economics may seem to be a subject full with theories and calculations, but it actually applies in our daily life and real world. Economics studies how human and firms interact with each other in every ways to satisfy their needs and wants. To illustrate this, it is important to understand the applications of microeconomics in real world to allow us to be rational in decision-making and make sure every decisions made are beneficial in every aspects of our life. Hence, economics plays a key role in giving you new view on some of the most challenging problems the world faced today.

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